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Beeswax Rolled Candle Set

Beeswax Rolled Candle Set

Set of two hand rolled Beeswax candles wrapped with a neutral colored cord (can be used in a cord cutting ceremony or ritual if desired). Also wrapped with black hemp cord and attached pentacle charm for you to use in any way you feel called to. 

Beeswax candles are all the "buzz" right now! (see what I did there) 
Beeswax candles do not emit any harmful chemicals into the air and they produce less soot and smoke than other natural candles. This natural beeswax actually releases negative ions into the air. These negative ions bind to positively charged airborn particles (dust, pollen, etc). This helps neutralize pollutants and create a cleaner environment! 


*Please use carefully! Do NOT leave burning candles unattended. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Make sure to burn candles in a fire safe space, free of flammable items. 

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