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Welcome to Enchanted Elements

Welcome, and thank you for checking out Enchanted Elements RA! Enchanted Elements RA was born in February 2024 from my and my daughter's love of creating and sharing our creations with likeminded individuals. The "R" is for Renee (me) and the "A" is for Alana (my daughter). We are both practicing Witches who thrive on creativity.

Other than being a practicing Witch, I am a Tarot Reader, Certified Crystal Healer, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Astrologer, and self proclaimed Artist.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to add more items to our website. I also plan to offer Tarot and Astrology Readings soon.

A little more about me than in the "About Us" section of the main website:

At the time I am writing this I am 47 years old. I am a mother of 2 wonderful children. I'm married to a very supportive husband who does not identify as a Witch, but is extremely interested in all I do. He is highly intuitive and calls himself a "half a psychic" often! I did gift him his very own Tarot deck that he uses from time to time. I have been a Pediatric Nurse for 22 years.

If you're familiar with Astrology, my Sun Sign is Sagittarius and I have a Sagittarius Stellium, which influences my love of learning. As I stated above, I thrive on creativity and have many craft hobbies. I often try new crafts and if I love it, I hyper focus on it! I love to crochet, so you may see crochet items available here and there.

I have been a witch ever since I can remember. My older sister and I used to love making Magic Mud Potions when we were kids. I remember going to the library with a friend, maybe in 5th or 6th grade. We were looking for spell books and books about Witches, but couldn't find any. We asked the librarian for help and she was not pleasant about it. There were maybe 2 books about Witches, but not what we were looking for, and we lived in Massachusetts! I always loved going to Salem, MA, having my Tarot cards read, and having psychic readings. As I got older, my priorities changed and I focused on school, my career, and building a family. When my son was about 7 or 8 years old and I had more "me time" I started coming back to myself. With the development of the internet, there is SO MUCH information out there about Witches and Witchcraft! I joined an online Witch community that has changed my life. I feel like I am "home" and following the path that was meant for me in this lifetime.

My family history is full of a long line Witches on both maternal and paternal sides. As for my immediate family, parents do not identify as Witches, but they just don't know there are, lol! My mother is highly intuitive and loves to have her Tarot cards read. She even follows Tarot readers on YouTube. She is also very supportive and intrigued by my witchcraft. My father recently passed away and when my sister was cleaning out his home, she found a poppet with a tag lock and pins in it! My older sister and her daughter are also Witches. I'm hoping to recruit my sister to Enchanted Elements soon! My younger sister does not identify as a Witch (that I'm aware of), but she is pretty witchy too! My daughter is a Witch, but my son is not (yet).

So that's me! Again, thank you for checking out our website and thank you for reading this blog post!

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